- grain market - grain market - grain market

We've developed to be a tool for online selling and buying of grain in Bulgaria.

Some of the requirements we had to keep were the simulation of bidding and trade in real time in a way similar to stock exchanges.

In the website we've integrated:
  • user registration
  • anonymisation of users, so that both parties can communicate with the other anonymously.
  • e-mail and SMS notifications throughout the negotiation process
  • calculation of the distances between the both parties, so that both could be given a rough idea from where they have to deliver or pick up their grain.

We've created a product, with which the grain growers and grain traders can communicate in a comfortable environment.

Responsive design for mobile devices

Technologies: PHP , jQuery , HTML5 , HTML , MySQL , CSS , jQuery UI , JavaScript , CSS3

Contact form

Your name:
Your e-mail
Your phone:
Security code